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Passive vs. Active Temperature Controlled Shipping: Environmental Considerations

Active Temperature Controlled Shipping
While numerous industries rely on cold chain shipping for temperature-sensitive cargo, high-volume markets like the pharmaceutical and biomedical industries have the greatest opportunity for carbon reduction. Environmental considerations for improved sustainability in high-volume cold chain industries include reducing carbon emissions during ground transportation of temperature-sensitive cargo and the reduction of non-hazardous waste generation.

Improving Sustainability of Thermal Management Packaging

Two main types of packaging are used for the thermal management of pharmaceutical, biological, and other sensitive products during transportation – single-use and reusable. Single-use options include extruded polystyrene (EPS) and polyurethane (PUR) insulation while reusable options include vacuum-insulated panel (VIP) insulation and phase-change media (PCM).

Though reusable packaging options can reduce waste generation in theory, the reality is that a high volume of reusable options still end up in landfills every year. This is due to normal reusable container loss from in-transit damage and, more often, the high cost of reverse logistics to ship the PCMs and/or containers back once empty. One recent study analyzed the waste generation of a typical phase III pharmaceutical clinical trial and determined that a total of 772 containers were needed throughout the two-year period.[i] This represents a huge area of opportunity to reduce waste generation caused by the reliance on thermal management packaging materials.

While it may seem challenging to reduce or eliminate the reliance on thermal management packaging materials for temperature-sensitive cargo, understanding the types of thermal control used in shipping helps illuminate how this goal can be met.

Passive vs. Active Temperature Control

Single-use and reusable packaging solutions for temperature-sensitive products are used with either passive or active temperature control methods.

Passive refrigeration involves insulated containers that maintain temperature through the use of dry ice, ice packs, gel packs, or phase change materials (PCMs). Passive systems are often less costly upfront when compared to dedicated refrigerated trucks, particularly for less-than-truckload (LTL) shipments. Passive methods like PCMs, gel packs, or similar are conditioned (frozen) before use in temperature-sensitive shipments to ensure a functional heat sink and prevent temperature excursions that could impact efficacy. Though they can keep temperatures cool they lack the precise temperature control provided by active systems. This can lead to an increased risk of temperature excursions, particularly during delays that may occur during shipment or in fluctuating ambient temperatures.

Active temperature-controlled shipping and storage systems, such as the ClimateCrate™ containers offered by Cold Box Express, Inc. (CBX), represent a sophisticated solution for maintaining precise temperature conditions. These systems actively regulate the temperature of the cargo space using powered cooling and heating mechanisms. This method is especially beneficial for maintaining the integrity of high-value, temperature-sensitive cargo across varying ambient conditions. The pallet-sized design of the ClimateCrate and ClimateCrate FLEX economical, reliable, and green alternative to traditional CRT, refrigerated, and frozen transport. They can be used in an LTL network, standard box trucks, or high-roof cargo vans in shared loads with dry pallet goods or consolidated shipments of cargo that needs to be transported at different temperature ranges.

Thermally Controlled Shipping and Storage Sustainability Considerations

Waste Reduction

From an environmental standpoint, passive systems may initially seem less impactful as they do not require energy input during transport. However, the indirect environmental costs can be significant. In a recent study of the reuse of shipping materials in the intravitreal bevacizumab supply chain, it was found that shipping waste of single-use polystyrene foam coolers, as well as disposable cold packs, contributed to “83% of the overall landfill produced by intravitreal injection procedures” alone.[i] Reducing this reliance on single-use packaging can eliminate on average 1,122 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).[ii] Active temperature-controlled ClimateCrate and ClimateCrate FLEX solutions are designed to be integrated as part of a fleet for the shipping, or storage, of temperature-sensitive materials. They are inherently designed to be reused, creating a significant reduction in waste per shipment.

Lowering Emissions

High-volume cold chain industries often require thousands of shipments each year. Transporting single pallet shipments of product via LTL (vs truck load) by consolidating loads through the use of ClimateCrate containers represents a significant reduction in carbon emissions as ClimateCrate containers only emit warm air from the HVAC process. Moreover, the ability to use non-specialized transport vehicles and the reduction in the number of trips contribute to a lower overall environmental impact.

Reduced Costs

Passive shipping options that are used once not only impede sustainability efforts to reduce waste, they also increase overhead costs as passive shipping components are only used once. The average 2-day transit for a ClimateCrate shipment uses about 8 KW of battery power. At a rate of $0.14/KW this costs $1.12 in recharging costs for the battery.

In contrast, while passive systems might not require energy use during transport, their limitations in temperature control and the potential need for more frequent shipments can result in a less sustainable solution overall.

Improved Thermal Stability

While both passive and active temperature-control methods have their uses, the advantages of active control are clear, particularly when it comes to thermal stability.

They provide real-time validated monitoring and temperature control, ensuring that products are kept at a predefined setpoint temperature. This is crucial for industries like pharmaceutical logistics, where even slight deviations in temperature can compromise the quality and efficacy of drugs.


When evaluating eco-friendly and sustainable options for temperature-controlled shipping it is important to make an informed decision between passive and active refrigeration methods.

Active temperature-controlled shipping and storage, as exemplified by CBX’s ClimateCrate solutions, offer distinct advantages in terms of both eco-friendliness and sustainability. By ensuring more precise temperature control and reducing the reliance on larger refrigerated trucks, which are less energy-efficient and generate higher emissions, in favor of LTL shipments and reducing the reliance on single-use packaging, ClimateCrate containers from CBX help numerous industries meet their sustainability goals while protecting temperature-sensitive cargo.

Learn more about what makes CBX the trusted choice for shipping and storage of high-value temperature-sensitive cargo.

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Quote Request

i Goellner, K.N., Sparrow, E. An environmental impact comparison of single-use and reusable thermally controlled shipping containers. Int J Life Cycle Assess 19, 611–619 (2014).

ii Vo, L.V., Mastrorilli, V., Muto, A.J. et al. Reuse of shipping materials in the intravitreal bevacizumab supply chain: feasibility, cost, and environmental impact. Int J Retin Vitr 9, 34 (2023).

iii Goellner, K.N., et. al., Int J Life Cycle Assess,


Cold Box Express, Inc. Introduces Refreshed Brand, New Website to Better Define Offering

CBX Website

[Arab, Ala.]—Cold Box Express, Inc. (CBX) has announced a rebranding of both the company and its product the ClimateCrate™ (formerly COLD BOX). While the corporate company name remains Cold Box Express, Inc., the evolution to CBX simplifies the logo and helps distinguish the company from its product offerings. The rebranding of the temperature-controlled pallet shipping and storage container to ClimateCrate better reflects its capability to provide active temperature control over a wide temperature range regardless of ambient climates.

The new website at serves as a gateway to the company’s products and services, including access to the customer portal for monitoring and location information of current shipments.

“The launch of our new website brings our rebranding full circle,” said Foster McDonald, CEO. “In rebranding, we reconcile our company and product names to show their application in a wider range of industries throughout the validated pharmaceutical cold chain and beyond,” said McDonald.

ClimateCrate operates on a manifold of high-capacity rechargeable deep-cycle lead-acid batteries. Higher-risk lithium batteries are not used. The resulting battery array operates active refrigeration, heating, and telemetry functions to maintain validated uniform temperature control.

ClimateCrate eliminates the need for eutectic phase-change materials (PCMs), dry ice, liquid nitrogen or other methods of cold-chain protection. Applications include supplemental storage for controlled temperature loading and staging, remote deployment or over-the-road transport and storage of critical materials in non-traditional vehicles. Pharmaceutical products and APIs, military expeditionary logistics, disaster relief, oil services, and industrial applications are among the target markets where units are already in use.

“Our battery-powered platform creates a uniform environment within a standard pallet-based shipping cube,” said McDonald. “This opens the options for wider use of standard LTL trailers and eliminates the need for reefer trucks for both short- and long-haul transportation. ClimateCrate modules are accessible from all sides for moving by standard forklifts and pallet jacks.”

The website features the company’s complete line of shipping and storage containers, which now includes the ClimateCrate FLEX, designed for use in high-roof cargo vans. The new website launch also coincides with the company’s announcement of a new expanded minimum temperature of -40°C (-40°F), available in summer 2024.

About CBX

CBX has been a leading provider of active temperature-controlled solutions for ground transportation of temperature-sensitive freight for more than a decade. Our temperature-controlled solutions provide validated, shipping and storage at a fraction of the cost of traditional refrigerated transport or frozen shipping.

Case Studies News

See Inside the Warehouse Where LA County Stores and Distributes the COVID-19 Vaccines

Inside a secret warehouse used by Los Angeles County to store and distribute the COVID-19 vaccine, activity has been non-stop since the vaccines were approved.

The NBC4 I-Team got an exclusive inside look inside the warehouse. It’s so secret, we can’t tell you where it is — only that it’s somewhere in the more than 4,000-square miles of LA County.  

Claire Jarashow, the Director of Vaccine Preventable Disease Control at the LA County Department of Public Health, runs the entire operation.    

“We coordinate and help with the state and the federal government, the cold chain for the vaccines, the distribution, administration and accounting of,” she said.  

She says it’s been non-stop, 24/7 since the vaccines were approved. With no playbook to guide them, they’ve had to figure it out as they go.

“I’ve worked on a variety of different epidemics and outbreaks, but nothing like this,” she said.  

Imagine the challenge of processing and distributing shots in a county of 10 million people. That’s like trying to vaccinate the entire population of Sweden or Honduras, and all while positive COVID-19 cases and deaths were affecting family after family.

“I think because this is such a lifesaving endeavor, I would have to say that a lot of the bureaucracy was cut through every level,” Jarashow said.

She explains the federal government shipped vaccines to the California Department of Public Health and then, the state would send a different amount to the county each week.

Then, the county had to figure out how many doses vaccine locations needed every day, with each brand of vaccine having its own storage and dosage protocols. There were 40 to 80 pick-ups and drop-offs daily.

If there were extras at any location -especially as vaccination lines started shrinking — they scrambled to make sure no doses were wasted.

“We’ll have partners that say, okay, we’re going to keep clinics open till midnight so you can dump vaccine here at the end of the day that may expire in the next day,” she said. “Our goal is 0% wastage. But that’s a really hard thing to do.”

But they got pretty close.

Of the 10 million doses sent out in LA County, the latest data from the California Department of Public Health released and analyzed by the I-Team shows 696 vaccines expired, 802 spoiled, and several hundred more landed in the trash for reasons like broken vials and syringes or doses in already opened vials going unused.

That amounts to only 0.032% tossed out in L.A. County. The number of wasted vaccines statewide also less than one percent, at 0.079%. The data detailing vaccines that expired, spoiled or wasted ranges from December 2020 to April 2021. In California, vaccine providers must report daily inventory and wastage to the state.

Read: Vaccine Reporting Requirements

“This was done at an incredible speed after the science was there and it’s pretty amazing and I think it’s going to change vaccination, distribution forever,” Jarashow said.

For more on how many vaccines spoiled, expired or were trashed in your local county, see below.

Los Angeles County Covid-19 Vaccine Usage
Ventura County Covid-19 Vaccine wasted
Riverside County Covid-19 Vaccine Wasted
Orange County Covid-19 Vaccine Wasted
Ventura County Covid-19 Vaccine Wasted
Case Studies News

COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthroughs: What Happens Now?

cold storage of vaccine

The latest promising advances in coronavirus vaccines are now posing even more questions. How will it be distributed? How will we get the vaccine? Who is helping to get the vaccine safely to us?

In the latest CBS Sunday Morning segment, correspondent David Pogue talks about how Cold Box is helping to ship the vaccine safely and efficiently to be readily available to those that need it first. 

Thomas Tighe, the CEO of Direct Relief, a nonprofit that distributes medicine to community health centers and free clinics, explained: “It goes from the manufacturers to the distributors to the CVSes and Walgreens and RiteAids of the world, to doctors’ offices directly.”

And you have to keep it cold.  Some of the vaccines are getting down to -70 degrees Celsius [-94 Fahrenheit]. Ultra-cold!

Tighe introduced Pogue to the concept of the cold chain for medicine distribution.

“If you buy ice cream, you’re receiving food through a cold chain. It’s manufactured, it’s kept cold ’til it gets to the distribution center of your grocery store, where you are the picker and packer. You are your own last mile.”

If the FDA gives approval to the new coronavirus vaccines, some of them will soon be crossing the country in special containers surrounded by super-frozen slabs. They assemble the slabs around the box, enveloping it in cold.  The temperatures of each box can be monitored throughout its journey via GPS.

And for use on planes and trucks, there’s a self-contained, battery-powered shipping freezer. “On a forklift, you could bring this,” Tighe said. “It’s rated for -20 Celsius, -4 Fahrenheit.”

“It does seem like there’s a big difference between the Pfizer vaccine with its -94 requirements, and the Moderna, which could survive in a lot of these existing cold technologies,” said Pogue.  

Watch the full interview with Colc Box here:

Read the full article:

Case Studies News

Alabama Company Manufactures Cold Storage Units for COVID Vaccine

cold shipping of vaccines

When manufacturers begin sending COVID-19 vaccines across the country, they have to use a special shipping container to do so. That special shipping container is the Cold Box which can protect temperature-sensitive cargo, such as the vaccines.

Some of them are made right here in north Alabama. The Cold Box Express in Arab, Alabama has been in business for six years.

In fact, it is the only active ground transportation system in the world that makes and leases cold box storage units, according to CEO and President Foster McDonald.

“Our boxes can hold up to, we believe depending on how the packaging for the vaccines come, 7,000 or 8,000 doses in one box,” said McDonald. Watch the full interview here

Case Studies News

Local Company, The Cold Box, Helps Store and Transport COVID-19 Vaccine

Several companies are working to get emergency authorization for their coronavirus vaccines. The potentially life-saving vaccines must be shipping in very cold temperatures. The only active cold chain supplier in the world is in Northeast Alabama.

Hear from Cold Box CEO and President, Foster McDonald on how they are working to help transport the COVID-19 vaccines safely and correctly in the US. Watch the full story

Case Studies News

Refrigerated shipping in the world’s hottest places! The Cold Box.

When we traveled to Dehli, India in January, it was a pleasant 67 degrees; by summer, the temperature will likely climb above 110. Naturally, India’s pharmaceutical industry faces unique challenges when it comes to transporting life-saving medications, vaccines, and other sensitive products in one of the world’s toughest climates. However, the biggest challenge isn’t the […] The post Refrigerated shipping in the world’s hottest places! The Cold Box. appeared first on Refrigerated Trucking Transport & Frozen Shipping Custom Critical Cold Box Pallet Shipper.

While refrigerated shipping by air is reliable into and out of India, refrigerated LTL trucking options are scarce and often sub-par. As the second-largest producer of pharmaceuticals in the world, that’s a big problem for India. With an extremely limited supply of validated refrigerated trucking options and even fewer controlled room temperature (CRT) shipping or frozen shipping solutions,  “Last Mile” transport accounts for over 90% of pharmaceutical spoilage in the country.

We knew COLD BOX could help. We jumped at the chance to present our custom critical shipping solution at a conference sponsored by Pharma Connect, one of India’s leading pharmaceutical trade publications. As we demonstrated COLD BOX’s active temperature control and real-time monitoring capabilities at the Shangri-La Hotel in Delhi, one thing became clear: COLD BOX could create dramatic positive change here.

The reception from India’s key pharmaceutical and transportation industry decision-makers was “a bit overwhelming,” according to our CEO, Foster McDonald. “The Indian pharmaceutical market is quite advanced, but the domestic logistics capabilities are far behind.  COLD BOX will be responsible for solving an important problem that inhibits cold chain movement throughout the country.”

We’re thrilled to be bringing COLD BOX to India in 2018!

The post Refrigerated shipping in the world’s hottest places! The Cold Box appeared first on Refrigerated Trucking Transport & Frozen Shipping Custom Critical Cold Box Pallet Shipper.

Case Studies News

Cold Box Express To Sponsor 15th Annual Global Forum on Temperature Controlled Life Science Supply Chains in Chicago, IL

life science supply chains forum

Returning for their 4th consecutive year as sponsor and exhibitor, Cold Box Express is excited to attend the 15th Annual Global Forum featuring industry professionals in temperature controlled life science supply chains in Chicago from September 25-29, 2017 at the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place. Joining Cold Box Express’ experienced sales team will be 850+ industry leaders. The post Cold Box Express To Sponsor 15th Annual Global Forum on Temperature Controlled Life Science Supply Chains in Chicago, IL appeared first on Refrigerated Trucking Transport & Frozen Shipping Custom Critical Cold Box Pallet Shipper.

Joining Cold Box Express’ experienced sales team will be 850+ industry leaders, 100+ expert speakers, & 120+ fellow solution providers from 30+ countries for interactive discussion groups, roundtables, master class, site tours, awards ceremony and much more. As a major sponsor of the Global Forum, Cold Box Express’  expanded booth will showcase one of the fully functional palletized, custom critical shippers to allow the sales team to provide one-on-one demonstrations of the shipper’s validated capabilities for temperature controlled life science supply chains as well as answer any questions you may have surrounding your company’s specific cold chain requirements.

When compared to traditional refrigerated transport and frozen shipping used in the life science supply chains, Cold Box Express’ custom critical pallet shipper proves its worth as more reliable and more cost-effective.


End-­to-­end refrigerated shipping solution with up to 150 hours hold time (indefinite with power source)

Must off­load shipments for unloading, cross­dock, or storage

Precise, validated, active temperature control
+/– 1˚ C

Temperature deviation up to 25% unless validated
24/7 real­-time pallet shipper positioning, tracking, payload compartment and ambient temperature monitoringReal­-time monitoring or tracking of pallet or payload not available
Full 24/7 shipment visibility for customers via smartphone or tablet app, desktop, SMS alerts, email, or phoneN/A
CFR Part 11-compliant TEMS or trip report generated for every trip, with data stored for two yearsLimited to customer­ provided end­-of-­trip disposable monitors
High efficiency 24 VDC compression cooling actively pulls through the palletized payload for precise temperature reduction potentialLarger-volume, single­ temperature reefers offer unreliable temperature reduction
Maintains above­-ambient temperatures or controlled room temperature (CRT) control to protect temperature sensitive freight from freezePrecise CRT not available

Contact Us about how Cold Box Express can revolutionize your temperature controlled life science supply chains. 


Case Studies News

Introducing Cold Box’s New Portable Water Provisioning System at SOFIC in Tampa, FL

This week, Cold Box is pleased to present their exciting new product at the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC) in Tampa, FL. Our advanced portable water provisioning system called Oasis Water System represents a leap forward in water provisioning for forward deployed personnel. 

Completely portable and entirely green, the Cold Box’s mobile water system provides fresh, chilled or temperature managed water and does not generate waste as it is used.  Utilizing the same advanced technology as our self-powered pallet shippers, the Oasis Water System’s rechargeable batteries, that can also be supplemented by solar panels, allow the unit to maintain and dispense up to 275 gallons of chilled water.

The Special Operations Forces Industry Conference is a multi-day conference for the SOF community to interact with industry providers such as Cold Box, to collaborate on the challenges and initiatives in delivering the most cutting-edge capabilities through numerous educational sessions, demonstrations, interaction with exhibitors and many networking opportunities across the SOF community.  For more information, see

For more information on the new Oasis Water System, Cold Box’s new portable water provisioning system, contact our professional sales team at

Case Studies News

Cold Box Express and Its Full Pallet Shipper Featured on Alabama Local News

Cold Box Express was recently featured on Alabama local news website promoting their battery operated, ‘active’ temperature controlled full pallet shipper produced in their Arab, AL based manufacturing facility.  

pallet shipper

Arab’s Cold Box Express has been fully operational for about a year, and interest is growing in the company, which rents climate-controlled shipping containers from depot sites around the country.

Think of it as a U-Haul for a very sophisticated refrigerator. The Cold Box is a one-ton shipping container with about 60 cubic feet of space inside.

Made of aluminum and molded plastics, it can maintain a temperature of anywhere from 10 below zero to 140 degrees Fahrenheit for up to five days without recharging. That means items meant to stay cold will do so, and payloads with specific temperature requirements won’t freeze in winter transport.

Cold Box has an active temperature control system, meaning it doesn’t use dry ice. It also doesn’t involve any exhaust emissions. Running on internal batteries, the Cold Box’s temperature can be customized for any client and is tracked and monitored around the country by GPS and cellular connectivity. It also has security measures.

It is designed to hold a standard 40 by 48 inch pallet. An alternative to shipping in refrigerated trucks, the Cold Box can be recharged on standard power outlets and carried by forklift or pallet jack.

The company offers daily rentals of about $240 a day, varying according to the weight and size of cargo. Month-to-month and longer term leases are available, and the company has a network of 20 sites around the country to allow for economical shipping.

“Our aim is to deliver a unit to a customer within one day,” CEO Foster McDonald said. “And we can do that pretty effectively.”

The Cold Box was developed in Texas, but McDonald’s company bought the technology and spent more than a year on fine-tuning the design and setting up a nationwide rental network, he said. It took some time to hone the container, making it sturdy and resistant to the worst a forklift operator can dish out.


“Getting it right was not that simple,” he said. “Everything we did was about maintaining efficiency, reliability and ruggedness.”

A native of Arab, McDonald and his late father Sid, started the company before Sid’s death in 2015. Sid was a well-known telecommunications businessman, establishing Deltacom Long Distance Services in the early 1980s and serving as chairman of Intergraph Corp.’s board of directors.

“This is home,” Foster said. “I grew up here.”

So far, clients have included food service, pharmaceuticals, the medical industry, chemical companies and the oil services business. For pharmaceuticals, Cold Box works in keeping chemical components at the right temperature, and documenting those temps for the journey in keeping with federal regulations.

McDonald said the company is looking at expanding to international markets, as well as making inroads into the defense market. For example, Cold Box can be used to store and dispense cold water, and the company has played around with a tap concept on the door which could be used for beverages.

“Every time we turn around, there’s a new application that’s possible,” he said. “Our challenge is staying focused.”